Thursday, February 23, 2012

Where is the school spirit

I am on the newspaper staff at Gainesville State College and my new upcoming article is about the school spirit of GSC. Here is what I have so far :)

Where is the school spirit?
Michelle Wiggle

     No matter what school you go to, college life is one of the most important aspects.
Students make decisions to go to colleges because of the college life they provide, the school spirit, the pride of being a student there.

     Many students view GSC as a 13th grade, a school to get through classes, just a school to finsish as fast as possible.

     However, GSC has more to offer for their students. There may not be “real” sports, not as many  clubs and no greek life, but GSC is a unique place in its own.

     I still ask myself, do students really want more spirit? Do they have time to participate? Is there time for more student life?

     Chris, a former North Georgia college student, said, “The first thing I noticed about GSC was the lack of school spirit, students seem to only view GSC as a 13th grade, a school to finish as fast as they can. What seems to go unnoticed is how unique the school really is.”

     He continues to say, “The biggest adjustment for me is probably the attendance policy here. At North Georgia professors do not care if you come to class or not, but GSC professors really care. They care if you pass or fail, they want to see you succeed.

     An anonymous GSC student said, “What makes GSC unique is all the different people. Many people commute so they come from all over the place.”

     If students view the college as a 13th grade, then why do students come to GSC?

    I found the answer from talking to all the different students. Students come to GSC, because they need a place to get an education while dealing with other things in their busy lives.

     Students come to GSC because they need a second job to take care of their 3-year-old son. The bills are pilling up by the second, the utilities, the rent, the daycare, it is all adding up and you need a place for relaxation and a place for hope towards your future.

     Therefore, that should be enough for students to have school spirit, to have pride in our great college. To say, yes I have an education and at the same time I took care of my baby and worked two jobs in order to pay the bills.    

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