Wednesday, April 25, 2012

FEATURE: Missy Made It

Missy made it, is an inspiring art blog!
She specializes in handmade paper embellishments.

Recently, I order some of her items and I am very excited for their arrival.

Not only does Missy make great gadgets, she also has the qualities of a great person.
On the blog she updates people on her family and what is going on.
It is a fantastic blog that more people should know about!

Check her out!

I'll keep you updated

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Dear diary

Hello father,

I hope you are listening.
Right now I am "making cassettes". I hope that doesn't make you mad, or worse disappointed.
I miss you more than anything right now.
God I wish you were here.
I am with my brother. We are having a great time.
You used to hate my brother, do you still?
Or do you love him as much as I do?
I feel like you love him, you were so kind-hearted.
But I am so angry because you left me.
Left me to figure out the world alone, I need your help, I need your advice, bad.
Gahhh, why are you not here?
Was it really your time?
Help me figure out how to forgive you for leaving..

I love you forever and always,

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Ranting about LOVE

Do you believe it?
Is it possible to feel that way about another?

I haven't found mine.
But I believe he will come in the future.
My soulmate, my love.

It comes to some, it doesn't to others.
It has nothing to do with luck,
just how you live your life.

How you wait to find yourself.
How you learn to love yourself.
How you learn to respect yourself.

You cannot run around and fuck everyone you meet.
Find respect for yourself.

You cannot change the people you meet,
change comes from within.

You cannot change some men,
they will realize it on their own.
You cannot do it for them.

But one day he will come.
If I give up hope I will have NOTHING else.

You can't give up hope either.

You must grow within yourself
before you can grow with someone else.

It's your LIFE, live it


"A smile says a thousand words."
That smile could
change a life,
save a life,
touch the heart.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

A storm doesn't last FOREVER

You can never give up on yourself,
for the challenges make us stronger,
the difficulties push us forward.

Hope for the future,
and believe in your dreams
for that is all we can hold onto. 

The storm will soon be over.

We all go through challenges in our life.
How do you ride the storm?

Believe in the future.
Hope is never lost.

You may go through rough things in your life, 
but everything you go through makes you stronger.

Why Shouldn't You?

I’ve smiled more times in my life then frowned, why shouldn’t you?
I’ve been through shit, but I still get up everyday with a positive attitude, why shouldn’t you?

A lot has changed, I have changed with it, why shouldn’t you?
Progression is an important process of life.
I progress daily, why shouldn’t you?

I am going to start a revolution, why shouldn’t you?
Art is my passion.
I do what I love, why shouldn’t you?

"Say it to my face," why shouldn't you?
Tell the truth, don't live with lies, love what you do, be who you are.

Why shouldn't you?

Watch the stars and relax, why shouldn't you?
You probably deserve it.

Live a little louder, let your voice be heard.
Change the people you meet, why shouldn't you?

Leave an impression, why shouldn't you?
Receive the respect you give.

Give in what you get out.
You only live once, so why shouldn't you?

Express yourself through your desires.
No matter what it is, no matter what others say
Why shouldn't you?

Inspiration comes in many forms.
It's how your mind perceives different things in this world.
Imagine it, feel it, dream it, believe it.
Why shouldn't you?

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

America's Fake Freedom

Recently, issues with censorship of the Internet came to the White House. The bill proposed that websites, such as Blogger, Craigslist, Facebook and many more were to be censored.
The Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) is a United States bill introduced by U.S. Representative Lamar S. Smith to expand the ability of U.S. law enforcement to fight online trafficking in copyrighted intellectual property and counterfeit goods. (
"On Wednesday Jan. 18 thousands of sites went dark to protest SOPA and PIPA, two US bills racing through Congress that threaten prosperity, online security, and freedom of expression," said the editors of
When I heard of the bill, I was flabbergasted and pissed. The government is attempting Communism again.
Controlling our freedom of speech, our freedom of press online. It is wrong for the government to take that away from us, it is unconstitutional.
The government is making a mockery out of our own Constitution.
I have my own blog; a website where I discuss things going on in the world and how it affects the life of Americans. I also discuss my personal experiences, on my blog, for others to hear.
Now the government is trying to stop that.
However, my question to all of you is, “Is America really free?” With the talk of censorship, ObamaCare, and many other proposals that seem communistic, are we really able to do what we want anymore?
How far is this all going to go? The answer is simple.
It will go as far as we let it.
“What is the point of furthering technology if we cannot even use it as it was intended,” said Sierra Hanken, professional musician and artist.
Jonathan Hartley and Hanken play in a band known as Joy and Revolution and because of the bill their whole career may be in distress.
They upload their new music on Blogspot and Bandcamp. If the bill is passed their music will be harder to sell and get around to the public.
Another part of the bill is attempting to stop communication with the rest of the earth.
They want to terminate communication through the Internet with places such as China, France, and Germany.
Many of the hits on a blogger, tumblr, facebook come from other countries. How will we change the world, if we cannot get in touch with them?
To get more information about the bill visit,
We as Americans need to step up and fight for whatever we believe in no matter the circumstances because our voice together can make a difference. It starts with one, it could be you.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Somebody I used to know Gotye

This song reminds me of Jason.
Just somebody that I used to know. 


One step closer to success.
I can almost taste the goodness.
To be passionate about something and do it everyday of your life.
That is what I want out of life. 

Amazing Day

Today was a great day.

I wish everyday could be this amazing.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

My Mother

I yearn for a relationship with my mother
I want a lot of things, 
but right now that's what I want MOST. 

Quote of the day

"By taking the path that you want in life,
you are taking the hardest path"

S. Hanken
Joy and Revolution


I am revolving my life

This blog is changing.

I am still a believer in Christ.

But I am now confessing
how I live my actual life

I am an artist

and an aspiring journalist

I love to create new things
especially through my writing

that is why I have this blog

To express my feelings about life

so yeah, I may cuss
but the Lord loves me
for who I actually am.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

My FINAL decision

I am moving out
for real

Going to Atlanta with my brother and my best friend
after my next semester at Gainesville
about six months

but I am sticking to my real self
how I really am inside

I am a compulsive liar, 
but not really inside

I am running 
all the time
with my eyes closed

how long am I going to keep this up
how long can I 

I am going to leave Jason alone
we are just not right for each other

I love my mother
she is an alcoholic 
but she is the best mother in the world

we need our time
so mom can see me as me
so she can finally see me as I am

I need to get my life together
I am so lost

Will I be lost forever? 

It's just life

You cannot let it take over your life
the death
the suicide
pick yourself up

I am doing it all alone
but so the fuck what
I am cold and bitter
and it's all gone
my art
my writing

Lord, what do I do
how do I fix it

you must do it on your own

you must find
yourself before ever loving someone else

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Future Decision

Well I have resigtered for my classes, Fall 2012, at Gainesville State College.

I will start a new chapter in my new life and I hope things turn out good.
I am going to invite Chris to live in my house for a semester.
I hope she will consider.

Thanks for listening.